Freedom Architects Alli Wachtel Freedom Architects Alli Wachtel

Redefining Conflict

At The Equity Lab, we continuously reflect on the programming we use to support leaders and organizations. During this phase of our programmatic work, I began noticing the negative connotation that conflict has on so many people’s definitions of dialoguing, confronting, and gaining clarity from the people that they work with.

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Freedom Architects Alli Wachtel Freedom Architects Alli Wachtel

Radical ReImagination: Embracing Play as a Team (Part 2)

As I continued exploring the world of radical imagination, I couldn't help but think about how to make spaces where organizations could just unleash their creativity together. It got me excited about removing obstacles to team creativity and reimagining how we collaborate and innovate together.  I created an activity where team members can visually represent our organization, drawing inspiration from N.K. Jemisin's work.  

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Freedom Architects Alli Wachtel Freedom Architects Alli Wachtel

Radical Reimagination: The Role of Dreaming in the Fight for Racial Justice (Part 1)

A few months back, I hit a creative wall. The constant challenges and daunting barriers made me question if my work was truly making a difference. It became clear that I needed to hit pause, refocus, and rest. Through my rest, I found myself on a journey of rediscovery that not only revitalized my creativity but also reignited my passion and purpose. Breaking free from the cycle of frustration and fatigue required allowing my mind to run free and embrace a new form of imagination.

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