Adapting to COVID-19: A letter from our founder

Dear friends and colleagues,

You’ve probably thought it today. “When things get back to normal…” But as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to shape communities around the world, we are asking you — and ourselves — to never go back to the way things were.

The systems that are now straining under the weight of this global crisis were once comfortable for some of us. But as we begin to make the decisions that will shape the post-pandemic future, we can’t be content to recreate systems that are, more clearly than ever, deeply flawed. Instead, we can use this opportunity to shed light on our past and make intentional change for the future.

At The Equity Lab, we are actively working to both support our community as they grapple with current challenges and to anticipate and prepare for future needs:

  • As we all adapt to a constantly shifting landscape, many members of our community are facing big decisions. We are currently offering virtual consulting hours to help our community members maintain an equity lens in their decision-making and lay a strong foundation for new, inclusive systems that last beyond the current global crisis.

  • We are actively working to adapt our current offerings — from long-term engagements to our Seeding Disruption and Nexus Fellowships — to a virtual setting. We are also developing additional online opportunities for organizations to build the skills, habits, and vocabulary that form the foundation for equity work.We are listening closely to our local community, and we invite you to share your needs with us. We will continue to regularly assess our current offerings and develop new ones based on our community’s feedback.

We are also excited to announce the launch of our blog with the first in a series of essays that examine the systems of the present through the lens of history. Each will offer thoughts and guidance around centering the expertise of those most impacted, advocating for radical change, and building and iterating until we make it right.

The bottom line? We’re not slowing down; we’re doubling down. Although shrouded in tragedy, we know this crisis represents a unique opportunity to rebuild systems at all levels to be better than before. We invite you to join us in imagining and enacting a new future together.

Michelle Molitor

Executive Director
The Equity Lab

Alli Wachtel

I’m Alli, a creative consultant who believes in creating great work for people and organizations who are dedicated to making positive change.

Let’s not go back to the way things were.


An interview with Michelle Molitor